Thursday, January 26, 2012

Breakfast of Champions

I do believe my subtle hints have been working. Today, I ate a breakfast of champions. Its not that breakfast has been scarce here- oh no! There is always been a plethora of food to consume. But usually it has been a very interesting combination of food. For example: fruit, yogurt, granola and grilled cheese; or tamale-like food (Without the meat) and grilled cheese; or delicious fresh juice and grilled cheese; or a tortilla-like bread with onions and cheese inside; or fried plantain with cheese and whole milk hot chocolate. (You might have noticed a pattern... apparently grilled cheese is a staple here) And don't get me wrong! Cheese is great! Grilled cheese is great! But not every day. And for breakfast, not so much my favorite food. I just have a bit of trouble consuming grilled cheese in the morning and then trying to function with energy.
Today, my Mami served me up some freshly squeezed mora (similar to raspberry) juice, some scrambled eggs with Ecuadorean-version-of-salsa, and toasted bread. Oh, I could eat that every day and be satisfied!!! :))))

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