Tuesday, January 31, 2012

That moment when...

You watch your sister wash the dog with the same brand of shampoo that you use. You thought herbal essence was for humans, but now you are debating whether you are right or not.

Your mom refuses to let your brother put sugar in his tea at dinner because she insists that sugar is a type of energy and it ferments in you stomach. so you can't eat it at night.

A shuttle driver wants your business so badly that he offers to take you wherever you want for one dollar. Upon your refusal, he even offers to take you to the United States. I'd say that's a deal!

It is 9:19am on a Sunday morning and your host family needs to leave for church in 11 minutes in order to arrive on time. But your mom chooses this moment to dye her hair, before making breakfast for the family, of course. Let's just say that the fam-bam didn't leave until about 30mins after church started. Good thing that services here go for hours!!!

It rains just about every day from around 4 to 5. But when you look outside and see its sunny, you get excited and don't bring an umbrella. Of course it rains when you are at the farthest point from your destination so you get the wettest possible.

Your host bro-in-law asks you to edit his thesis, so you feel super smart because its his thesis- the most important paper of his career! And then you realize that you are just a native English speaker, that's all.

Your socks don' match and your host mom gets all worried thinking she's lost two of them. But they were close enough in color that they matched in my world. Now that was a hard one to explain in Spanish. (preface: i NEVER match my socks in the states, but to come to Ecuador i bought all new socks so that they would match, and threw in the only few of my old ones that matched. However, apparently one of the old "matches" was not actually a real pair... but who was i to notice? i usually put polka dots with stripes!)

Your history professor brings in historical documents from the 1800s to class like its no big deal and he passes them around for everyone to look at. They should probably have been in a museum, not in my hands.

Your host mom asks you if you would rather have a plate of cheese or a plate of eggs for breakfast. She insists that cheese is more "sano," or healthy, than eggs, and decides she should eat less eggs to lose weight.

Your family is making fun of you because you love to run and do so on a regular basis. Then your sister (recently married ~3months) says, Me? I don't exercise. At which point your host mom replies, but you have love. Its a type of exercise.


  1. Don't you remember learning about that sugar stuff in chemistry? Can't have that stuff going bad in your stomach overnight!

  2. hahaha.. this is the best post so far i think! you should expand on the historical documents though- what was that for? that's so cool! i'm doing research on the 19th century right now and i have to settle for photos of my documents or typed versions of them online :(

  3. They sound like they need their own reality show! :)

  4. @Mark... oh man! i totally forgot! we did learn that. or maybe we were supposed to learn that the same day we had liquid nitrogen ice cream instead of learning :)

    @Rebecca there's another one soon to come... i'm building up the list as we speak. And the documents were from Rocafurete to Garcia Moreno, two huge people in the history of Ecuador. They were letters, official documents, just chillin in plastic inserts. :)

    @Joannah i seriously could make a reality show out of my life, let me tell you!
